2024 / 07 / 27         25~29°C         80~98%

Performance Standards

Performance Standard in June 2024

Passengers Arrival Flow
From 1st passenger to last passenger at immigration line 00:01:41
From aircraft at parking position to 1st piece of luggage on baggage belt 00:13:10
From 1st piece of luggage to last piece of luggage on baggage belt 00:23:39

From Chocks on until the Last passenger pick up the luggage from belt 00:36:49

Passengers Departure Flow
Check-in clearance per passenger 00:09:44
Immigration and security clearance per passenger 00:04:11
Boarding per passenger 00:03:25

Time spent with mandatory procedures before boarding 00:17:20

Available time for shopping/leisure prior to departure 01:42:40