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Macau International Airport Participated at the 13th EAAA Annual Meeting

2014 / 11 / 07

The 13th EAAA Annual Meeting was held on 28-29 October 2014 at Dalian, which was organized by Dalian International Airport Group Co., Ltd. Representatives from all 13 EAAA-members participated the meeting. Participants from Macau International Airport (MIA) including: President of the Board of Directors of Administration of Airports, Limited (ADA) - Ms. Suning Liu, Customer Services Director - Mr. João Antunes and Officer of Corporate Communication and Policy Research Office of Macau International Airport Company Limited (CAM) – Ms. Kaz Ng.

The theme this year is “Integration Service System for Flight Delay" on which each airport’s executive conducted a presentation on the topic, sharing different delay problems, causes of delays, various contingency plans and newest member airports development. President of the Board of Directors of ADA – Ms. Suning Liu expressed in her presentation that MIA has to face delay problems from various reasons like typhoon and adverse weather conditions. MIA aims to minimize passenger inconvenience when facing delays through providing a series of passenger services; liaise and ensure F&B and retail maintain their services, ensure airport facilities always available, inform passengersabout flight information through different media channels to reducedpassengersstranded at terminal. Ms. Liu emphasized that importance of teamwork of an airport, “Rigorous operational procedures and systems, accurate and timely information flow, play one’s role well and be responsible, are all important elements for successful team work, which ensure high quality of integrating services during adverse weather.”


EAAA meeting has been promoting 13 member airports to cooperate in different ways and learn from each other.This year,the progress of Green Airport implementation plan and EAAA webpage on each member’swebsitewere discussed in the Working Group meeting. The 14th EAAA Annual Meeting will be held in Tokyo by Tokyo International Air Terminal Corporation next year.

The 13 EAAA airport members include: China’s Capital Airports Holding Company, Shanghai Airport Authority, Guangdong Airport Authority, Airport Authority Hong Kong, Macau International Airport Co., Ltd. and Dalian International Airport; Japan's Central Japan International Airport Co., Ltd., Narita International Airport Corporation, Japan Airport Terminal Co., Ltd., New Kansai International Airport Co., Ltd. and Tokyo International Air Terminal Corporation; South Korea's Incheon International Airport Corporation and Korea Airport Corporation..